
SDSM wins the Pitch

Safe Delivery Safe Mother (SDSM) won a competitive grant, called the Pitch by the Knowledge SUCCESS program awarded by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and USAID. SDSM won out of 80 global applicants to implement a data management and family planning program to strengthen reproductive healthcare in Pakistan. We built the capacity of frontline Skilled Birth Attendants (SBAs) of high-priority districts to provide quality and accessible postpartum family planning services at primary healthcare facilities in Punjab. Alongside, we equipped the provincial management information staff to strengthen the quality and accuracy of data collection, analysis and visualization of real-time daily and monthly data. This data is collected from all 36 districts of the Punjab province serving a population of over 110 million and is essential for compliance, monitoring, program design and key provincial policy decisions. Read more about our impactful journey at Skilled Birth Attendants: The Last Mile Link. You can also catch us Pitching our project here and being announced as Winners! 

You can read about our work on the Pitch Fact Sheet and see us in action below in the Lahore and Multan districts. 

SDSM collaborates with Master Moltyfoam

Safe Delivery Safe Mother partnered with Master Moltyfoam to advocate for and raise awareness on maternal and reproductive healthcare in Pakistan. Our focus was to engage with diverse audiences and to provide insight into the work we do in rural, remote and low-resource communities where women lack access to essential services. Our short film below, shows the journey of a Skilled Birth Attendant in the Gilgit-Baltistan region where long distances, mountainous terrains and limited connectivity are primary deterrents for pregnant women to access essential maternal healthcare services.